Dear members and friends of Burnhead Church, I never thought I would see the day when the Church building was closed to the public. We live in a time of great challenges but also a time of great opportunity. How we react to the problems we face and how we respond to the needs of our neighbour will define who we are and whose we are.

In light of no church services, I thought I should write to you to let you know what is happening in and through your Church.

  1. Following instruction from the Scottish Government, the Church building is closed to the public with one exception. We are allowed to livestream the service of worship each Sunday morning at 11am, with the proviso that the only people present in the church building are myself and the person operating the cameras (David Green). If you have access to the Internet, you can watch this service live at and on our YouTube channel. You can also watch a recording of the service at the same location later on if at your convenience. If you do not have access to the Internet and would like an abbreviated hard copy of the service, this can be delivered to your doorstep (as long as I am legally permitted to do this). Please text me at 07806 781489 if you have a mobile or leave a message on the manse landline 01698 813716, if this is something you would like.
  2. As a church family, we may not be able to meet together physically, but we can keep in touch. To this end, your Elder should be in contact with you on a regular basis. If you have not heard from your Elder, it may be that they do not have your phone number and so if you have not heard from them, please let me know your phone number by either of the methods described, and I will pass your number on to them.
  3. As a church, we continue to support anyone in need in our community. On a weekly basis, we distribute excess food from Tesco through the FairShare Scheme to households in need. People have also handed in food and domestic supplies to the church and these are currently in reserve in the Session Room. If you are in need, if your money has all but disappeared and you need help; please get in touch via the numbers above and we will be there to support you. Likewise, if you know someone who needs our help please pass his or her name and address to me.
  4. Many people have said that they would be willing to help by shopping for others, collecting prescriptions etc. If you would be willing to do this or you could use this service yourself, please again, let me know.
  5. A reminder that the church has a Facebook page – a place with daily prayers and updates. A place for you to ask questions, talk online to each other, engage in discussion, share uplifting stories – a place to be in fellowship with each other.
  6. Some members have asked me how they can hand in their weekly freewill offering envelopes. Although it was not my desire to write about such money matters at this time, to answer your questions, I would suggest filling your envelope as normal, placing it on a suitable plate during the live steaming of the service, and keeping them safe until the church reopens.
  7. Next Sunday, 5th April is Palm Sunday and Communion. If you would like to take communion in your own home while the service is being streamed live, please have a piece of bread and a small glass of red wine or equivalent ready for that part of the service, and we will share in the Lord’s Supper.

Last night I heard our community expressing its gratitude to the Health Service workers. To be honest I was not surprised at the fantastic response because I have known, since I arrived here, what a wonderful community this Parish is. These are times of mixed emotions: great sadness at the loss of life and concern for those struggling to cope; but times of joy as neighbours care for each other, putting the needs of others before their own. It is also a time the world around us is taking a welcome break from the pollution we create on a daily basis. As I sit in my study, I can hear the sound of birds singing, a sound normally drowned out by the noise of the traffic passing the Church. I see stories in the news of air pollution clearing, and fish being seen in the normally murky streets of Venice. The question is, when all this is over will we go back to what we did before, or will we be changed for the better? Will we be the good stewards of our world, and carers of our neighbours, that Jesus call us to be, or will we forget this lesson.

I pray that you stay safe and well, and that we will meet again in God’s good time,

Les Brunger.