Dear sisters and brothers in Christ, in an instant our world has changed. The Church has closed its doors to worship gatherings, something many of you thought would never happen. Covid-19 is the unseen enemy that is now loose within our community, an enemy that seeks to attack our physical wellbeing, an enemy that we cannot allow to attack our spiritual faith as well.

From this coming Monday (23rd March) the sanctuary in the Church will be open from 9am to 10am and from 7pm to 8pm everyday. The sanctuary will be open to provide a place for personal prayer and reflection with suitable background music. In observing medical advice, please keep a sensible distance (2 metres) from each other.

The only exception to the above will be on Sunday mornings when we will stream an online service at 11am via a link through the Church website ( – This service will include scripture, prayer, a short message and a couple of songs that we can all join in singing in our own homes. We may not be able to meet together in one place, but we can meet together in Spirit at the same time.

On this Sunday night (22nd March) people of faith are being encouraged to light a candle and place it in their window at 7pm, as a visible symbol of the light of life, Jesus Christ, the source of hope in this life.

The following prayer may be used when lighting your candle: –

For all that is good in life, thank you,
For the love of family and friends, thank you,
For the kindness of good neighbour and Samaritan stranger, thank you.

May those who are vulnerable, hungry or homeless, experience support,
May those who are sick, know healing,
May those who are anxious or bereaved, sense comfort.

Bless and guide political leaders and decision-makers, with wisdom,
Bless and guide health workers and key workers, with strength and well-being,
Bless and guide each one of us, as we adapt to a new way of living.

And may the light shining from our windows,
across road and wynd, glen and ben, kyle and isle,
be reflected in our hearts and hands and hopes.

Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

This is a challenging time for us all, and so it is humbling to see so many people reaching out to help their neighbour in our community. I have already received food parcels and cleaning products, which will be distributed to those in need.

If there is any way in which the Church can help you over the coming weeks, or if you know of anyone who needs help, please contact the church through your Elder or by phoning 01698 813716. Likewise if you are able to help in any capacity e.g. shopping, delivery etc, please leave you name at the above phone number.

On a personal note, there is a possibility that my mother has contracted the Covid-19 virus and I have been advised to isolate as much as possible whilst caring for her at the same time.

So if you see me in and around the church, please keep a safe distance and be assured that I will take all possible hygiene measures to ensure the sanctuary is as safe a place as possible

I’ll leave you with these words from the Apostle Paul in his letter to the Ephesians chapter 5,

‘Be careful how you live. Don’t live like fools, but like those who are wise. Make the most of every opportunity in these evil days. Don’t act thoughtlessly, but understand what the Lord wants you to do. Don’t be drunk with wine, because that will ruin your life. Instead be filled with the Holy Spirit, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves, and music to the Lord in your hearts. And give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.’ Amen

Yours in Christ

Rev. Les Brunger (Minister)