Burnhead Church will again this year be getting involved and help with the Christmas Hamper project that our neighbours at Viewpark Church started a few years back.

The list of items below are required to help fill the Christmas Hampers. It would be appreciated if you could bring one of each item on the Sunday indicated.

  • 29th September – Diluting Juice, Coffee, Long-Life Milk
  • 6th October – Teabags, After Eight Mints, Gravy Granules
  • 13th October – Soup, Cereal, Sugar
  • 20th October – Tinned Ham, Tinned Spaghetti, Tinned Tuna
  • 27th October – Boxed Biscuits, Bread Sauce, Cranberry Sauce
  • 3rd November – Selection Box, Custard, Tinned Fruit
  • 10th November – Stuffing Mix, Trifle Mix, Christmas Wrapping Paper
  • 17th November – Part-Baked Bread Rolls, Mince / Apple Pies, Christmas Crackers
  • 24th November – Gift for a Girl & Boy aged 6-12 years
  • 1st December – Adult Male Gift

Many thanks for your continuing support of this venture.

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9: 7