During the Children’s Address on Sunday, the minister spoke of the list Persil had compiled of ‘things to do before you turn 10’ for their ‘Dirt is Good’ advertising campaign. We heard that rolling down a grassy bank topped the list followed by making a mud pie – which was demonstrated by Les to good effect. But what about the other 31… well, they’re listed below and whether you’ve reached the grand age of 10 or not, if there’s any un-ticked boxes… why not do them now! It’s never too late and you’re never, ever too old to re-live childhood for a moment.
Never mind the dirt, have fun – 33 things to do before you turn 10
1 Roll on your side down a grassy bank
2 Make a mud pie
3 Make your own modelling dough mixture
4 Collect frogspawn
5 Make perfume from flower petals
6 Grow cress on a windowsill
7 Make a papier-mache mask
8 Build a sandcastle
9 Climb a tree
10 Make a den in the garden
11 Make a painting using your hands and feet
12 Organise your own teddy bears’ picnic
13 Have your face painted
14 Bury a friend in the sand
15 Make some bread
16 Make snow angels
17 Create a clay sculpture
18 Take part in a scavenger hunt
19 Camp out in the garden
20 Bake a cake
21 Feed a farm animal
22 Pick some strawberries
23 Play Pooh sticks
24 Recognise five different bird species
25 Find some worms
26 Ride a bike through a muddy puddle
27 Make and fly a kite
28 Plant a tree
29 Build a nest out of grass and twigs
30 Find 10 different leaves in a park
31 Grow vegetables
32 Make breakfast in bed for your parents
33 Make a mini assault course in your garden
So, how does your childhood compare to this list? Any memories re-surfacing?