Youth Club
Youth Fellowship for all young people aged from Secondary 1 to 25 year olds. We are always looking for newcomers who will be made most welcome. Please contact Liz McLaughlin on 07471 933497 for more information.
Youth Fellowship for all young people aged from Secondary 1 to 25 year olds. We are always looking for newcomers who will be made most welcome. Please contact Liz McLaughlin on 07471 933497 for more information.
The Bible Class is for those aged between 12 and 16 years old and we meet on Sunday mornings in the Jubilee at 11am. We are always looking to add to our numbers and everyone is assured of a very warm welcome. For more information please speak with Liz McLaughlin on 07471 933947.
Join us as we answer God’s call to be His people in worship. We meet online and in person every Sunday morning for our Service of Worship at 11am – we hope you can join us! “Sing to the LORD, all the earth; proclaim his salvation day after day.” 1 Chronicles 16: 23
Here at Burnhead Church the children meet at 11.00am on Sundays and participate in the first part of the Church Service. They then leave to go through to the Church Hall (Sonhouse) where they split into their appropriate age group for activities. Our team of leaders and helpers cater for all ages. Our aim is […]
The Guild was founded in 1887 by Rev Dr Archibald Charteris as the Church of Scotland Women’s Guild. Charteris’ aim was for “a movement of all the willing women workers in a parish, old and young, rich and poor, for mutual help and united action”. Within years there were 29,000 members in 400 branches. Membership […]
A group for all looking for some company, fellowship, light hearted banter, a wee sing song, gentle exercise, quizzes and games, and sharing cake, tea and coffee. A church organisation open to any and all in our community – don’t be lonely, come and join us!
The Girls’ Brigade was formed in 1968 but its roots actually go back 124 years to the establishment of The Girls’ Guildry in Glasgow in 1900. The Girls’ Brigade offers a four sided programme – Spiritual, Physical, Education and Service – tailor made for each age range, offering awards based on skills and activities where […]
Our monthly Mens’ Breakfast is a great chance for men to get to know men, and together to work through what it means to be a man for God. We meet at 9:30am on the second Saturday of each month in the church carpark for onward travel to the chosen eaterie and is open to […]
Come along and join us on Saturday 25th November when we will be having our annual Christmas Fayre. With home baking, crafts, tea room and fun for all the family including Santa’s Grotto, what better way to get into the spirit of Christmas. Everyone is welcome and admission is free. Doors open at 1pm.